Athletic Association
The families of our school and Religious Education students participating in our sports, make up the Association and take on two primary responsibilities: volunteering and fundraising. We look to them as role-models for our children through their active involvement in numerous volunteer positions, committees, and fundraising events. Gym duty in our concessions area, at our admissions table and as general security during home volleyball and basketball grade school games is the only mandatory volunteer time. The number of shifts required is determined by the number of their children participating. All other volunteer opportunities are optional, but encouraged. Monies raised by the Association from any fundraising efforts are incorporated into its annual budget.
A general meeting is held in May of each year to introduce the entire Athletic Association to new families and to also answer any questions or make any clarifications for current members who wish to attend.
Athletic Committee
The Athletic Committee manages the overall Association with strategic leadership, administrative oversite, operational policies and procedures, budget administration and planning. It is made up of the Chair, Vice Chair, Director, Secretary, Treasurer, Grade Representatives and Sport & Event Coordinators. Meetings are held the third Monday of each month at 7p.m. in the basement Scout Room of the Parish Center. Members of the Athletic Association are welcome to attend.
See the Handbook for detailed information on the terms and responsibilities of committee members. Contact any of the current members if you have any questions or are interested in becoming a member.
Athletic Committee
Voting Members:
Pastor: Fr. Phillip Bogacki
Chair: Theran Motl
Vice-Chair: OPEN
Treasurer: Andy Fleming
Secretary: Emily Roethe
5th Grade Rep: JJ Sisulak
6th Grade Rep: Dan Matola
7th Grade Rep: Rebecca Bark
8th Grade Rep: David Mantych
Rel. Ed Rep: Faith O'Toole
5th-8th Grade Sports:
Volleyball: OPEN
Basketball: Ryan Bedingfield
Track & Field: OPEN
Softball: OPEN
Fundraising: Mike Bark
High School CYM
Gym Duty Coordinator: OPEN
Reg./ Sign Up: Claire Delonge
Gym Use Schedule: Brian Dorrington
Men's Basketball: Sean Roberts
Men's Futsal: Steven Delonge