Thank you for giving your child a Catholic education
Our school community requires tuition and volunteers to operate. Student tuition only covers a portion of the cost to educate a child, with the remaining cost heavily subsidized through active stewardship. Stewardship is discussed parish-wide annually in late fall with stewardship pledge cards requested by end of the calendar year for the upcoming year. In order to be eligible for active parishioner reduced tuition, pledge cards must be submitted. New families are able to submit pledge cards at any point during the year.
Financial stewardship is critical in determining both the school operating budget and tuition rates. These funds keep our teachers in the classroom and the lights on in our building. In turn, active tithing parishioners receive a discount on their tuition rates.
Christ King does not have a required stewardship fee. We realize some families may need to do less and others are able to do more. We ask that you prayerfully consider what your family can contribute.
Regarding time and talent, we ask parishioners to be sacrificial with your skills in ways that make a difference to your family. Christ King parish and school has many opportunities to volunteer and be involved. Some people tell us they don't know where to start, so consider a minimum contribution in the following areas (there is no maximum!):
- Time: Several hours a month--this might come in the form of planning and working at one major parish or school event and helping with 10-20 smaller opportunities (about 1-2 a month), such as recess duty, hospitality at weekend Mass, field trip supervision, etc.
- Talent: You are a gift! Please take a look at the many volunteer opportunities available to discern where your particular strengths might shine in areas needed by the parish and school.
- Treasure: The parish relies on consistent stewardship–above and beyond the cost of tuition–to subsidize the education your students enjoy. Scripture recommends a tithe (10% of income). Donating to the parish should be a financial priority for each family, a critical monthly line item in the family budget.
Stewardship FAQs
- Is there a required stewardship fee? No. We ask each family to prayerfully consider what your family is able to contribute.
- If I give automatically online do I still need to complete a pledge card? Yes. Pledge cards confirm that your family is committed to giving the following year and provides data for forecasting the budget. We also ask that every year your family pray on your commitment to Christ King and any circumstances that impact your donation level.
- If I submit a pledge card while enrolled in auto-deductions will I be double charged? No. The only way to submit a payment is through the online payment system. Pledge cards are only for planning purposes.
- How do I get a pledge card and when are they available? Information from the parish will be sent home for the upcoming year in November. The pledge form can then be completed online, mailed, dropped off at the Parish Office or put in the collection baskets at Mass. If you are new to the parish or to stewardship, pledge forms can be completed at anytime of the year and are available on the parish website.
- If I donate to the auction or to the capital campaign is that the same as Stewardship? We are very grateful for all contributions made to Christ King Parish. However, the auction and capital campaigns are separate, optional fundraisers where money raised is used for improvements to the parish and school. Stewardship is what impacts the day-to-day operating budget for the church and school.