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The Christ King Children's Choir leads our sung prayer at one of the weekend Masses every three weeks. This group is open to any child in grades three through six. Rehearsals are on Wednesday afternoons from 2:00 pm until 3:00 pm in the choir loft of the church. The choir rehearses and performs from September through April.  Our first rehearsal is scheduled for September 11, 2024.



Singing in a choir helps us to develop the qualities of self-discipline, determination, self-confidence, and pride in individual and group accomplishment. These qualities help any choir member in dealing with life’s challenges, but are especially important to children who are learning Christian values.  God communicates with us through the arts!  Choral music, in particular, the singing of sacred words and ideas, helps children develop a deeper understanding of God and of themselves.  

Learning to be good stewards of what God has given us is part of our faith. The Children's Choir helps children discover the gift of music they have been given and offers them an opportunity to share time and energy in the service of others.  Singing in a children’s choir is most importantly a ministry.  In much the same way that readers, altar servers, and communion ministers perform special tasks in service to the worshipping community, so too, the children’s choir and all musicians perform a sacred ministry for the Church. This ministry expects much of us; it calls choir members to be living witnesses of the Gospel and to inspire the assembly to pray through word, song, and active listening.   This ministry asks that we cooperate in the Christian spirit, and grow in our faith and musical abilities.  Ministry calls us to serve and not be served. 






When: Rehearsals - Wednesdays, 2:00 - 3:00 PM, Beginning September 11, 2024
Where: Choir Loft, Christ King Church
Who: Any Student in 3rd - 6th Grades

    Release of Information / Photography & Video Consent

    I hereby consent that any still or electronic image and/or audio recording, in which I or my child may appear, may be used by Christ King Parish and School and/or by the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. I understand that these materials are being used for promotion of Christ King Parish and School and/or the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. The images and/or recordings may be used to support recruitment, fundraising, evangelization and other communication efforts. I release the staff and volunteers and I understand and agree that the use of my picture is not an invasion of privacy. Neither I, nor anyone claiming to be speaking on my behalf, will later object to Christ King Parish and School's or the Archdiocese’s use of this/these photographs.
    I give permission to have my/my child(ren)(s) address, phone number and email published in a Children's Choir directory. 

    Food Allergies
    Participation Consent

    I consent to the participation of my CHILD/WARD in the above named activity. In consideration for my CHILD/WARD’s participation, I agree to reimburse and Indemnify the Christ King (understood to include The Archdiocese of Milwaukee) for all reasonable legal and court fees incurred by Christ King Parish in defending a lawsuit that I or my CHILD/WARD may bring against the Christ King Parish which relates to the above named activity if the Christ King Parish is found not legally liable by the courts and prevails in the lawsuit. If the Christ King Parish is found legally liable for injuries sustained by CHILD/WARD, this paragraph will not apply.
    I certify that I have an understanding of this agreement and any risks and hazards associated with the activity described above that my CHILD/WARD will be participating in. I further understand that I had the opportunity to fully discuss this agreement with a representative of the Christ King Parish to clarify any concerns or questions about the concert or this agreement that I may have had.

    Electronic Signature

    By selecting "I Agree" and submitting this form, I attest that this constitutes my electronic signature and indicates I am the parent/legal guardian and that it is my intent to adopt the content of this form and communicate such information and consent electronically to Christ King Parish and School and to the Archdiocese of Milwaukee.
