Eucharistic ministers are lay people (non-clergy) who assist the priest, being called upon to perform an extraordinary service: to minister the Body and Blood of Christ to the faithful. We gather on the day of the Resurrection to express our belief in eternal life--we listen to the Word of God--we give thanks and praise.
This celebration of the Eucharist is our most important activity. And this ministry allows you to be at the center of the life of the Church.
Who may become a minister of Holy Communion? Anyone who is fully initiated as a member of the Church can serve. This means they must have received the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Communion. A short training program is offered for newcomers.
Those who serve should bring strong faith, a sense of awe, and an inclusiveness of others as the foundation for their ministry. They must be comfortable in sharing the body and blood of Christ with each communicant in what is most likely the most intimate moment of the liturgy.
We request that all ministers of Holy Communion show the greatest reverence for the Most Holy Eucharist by their demeanor, their attire, and the manner in which they handle the consecrated bread and wine. Scheduling is done through an on-line system; requests to submit availability is sent out quarterly.